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The NHS revolution

We need a revolution. Right now the NHS is at a turning point, as commentators have pointed out post Francis report we a now forced to look with fresh eyes. The emperor has no clothes, performance measures alone do not guarantee great care, they may indicate it, but they do not guarantee it. The friends and family test is a way of "outing" the patient experience beyond metrics, a soft measure which, according to experts, correlates with great care.
But what happens when the FFT shows things are not as good as they could or should be?
Will our staff be required to go the extra mile? Will we mandate smiles, greetings, corporate mantras to give the impression of enhanced service?
Probably, but that won't be revolutionary enough.
Neil Bacon, a champion of FFT has a web site www.iwantgreatcare.org which uses patient feedback to hold the mirror to hospitals and soon, primary care.
Useful though this resource may be, it ignores the voice of staff, frontline, support, engaged, disengaged, who have joined the NHS and are part of the equation which delivers great care.
The Mid Staffs lessons tell us that whistleblowers do badly in the NHS, that we need a duty of candour when things go wrong. Whilst that is laudable and right, it again misses the fact that the NHS should be able to use the staff experience before things go wrong to prevent errors, to raise issues before problems arise.
Outside of the corporate COMMs activities, the "listening into action" and staff brief we need to make the drive, commitment, concerns and solutions which all NHS staff handle on a daily basis , transparent. Transparent to the NHS as a whole, their management, the population.
How could we do this?
Let's set up www.iwanttogivegreatcare.nhs.uk it's not compulsory, but if you work for the NHS, have a problem, a solution, something to say then let's hear it.
I recall a staff intranet which had "peoplepages" for all the staff, on their page they could put practical details such as past jobs etc, but also space for a photo and statement. One HCA who worked on the cancer unit had her photo with the caption, "I love my job so much- I'd do it even if I wasn't paid". I know now that if I ended up on her unit I would get great care, but I also know that she would be able to suggest ways it could be better and alert us all if things were not right.
I know people will say we can't, that belly achers, disaffected, troublemakers will populate the pages. Maybe, but those people are caring for your friends and family right now. Unheard, unseen, needing a voice.
It's a revolution but we need it now.

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